Saturday, January 13, 2007

We traveled to the beautiful Atlantic Station today for an outing. It was slightly disapointing in that the stores were the same old crap that you see in every mall. And the smiling happy people in the ads were nowhere to be found. The resteraunts were intriguing but we were not ready to eat yet. We also through in the IKEA adventure, and an O'Charleys lunch to make the day complete. All in all it was a good day.

Hubby and discussed our upcoming year a little bit. He is hopng for more $$ and I am hoping for more fun. I think both are in the same direction. We also talked about feeling disconnected from church and our friends. I am not sure if it is our fault, their fault or just something that happens to every new parent. In any case I plan to step back out their and start getting my name out in the world again.

in mother news:

There is a story of a teenage boy who was kidnapped and then returned to his family and they also found a boy that had been held captive for four years.

What happens to a person who is held captive for four years while in their critical teen years. Neighbors said they saw the guy playing outside and assumed that he was the bad guys son. Why didn't he run. Was he afraid of what would happen? Was he told lies by the captor, maybe that his parents sold him or something? Maybe the guy was nice and bought him his favorate ice cream to eat everynight. Or something worse, sexual and abusive.

Is it better to be abused in a way that makes you hate your captor, or to be treated half wa decent and get stockholm's, which outsiders rarely understand?

I wish the best for both of the teens and hope that their families have had a strong and positive influence in their lives, so that they may overcome this truly unfortunate event. (If you can call 4 years an event)

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