Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not only is it my 8th wedding anniversary but it is also the anniversary of when I found out that I was going to have a Peanut :) It is hard to believe that it was a year ago. Hoyt is making me dinner tonight which I expect to eat promptly around midnight (at the rate we are going).

It is interesting that evolution keeps popping up in my science based classes. I can see that the application to bacteria and other animals fits but I don't see that humans and dogs all evolved out of the same 'egg' if you will. Although we have learned in church that God made all things, and that are humans are made in his likeness. What is to say that DNA is not in the likeness of God ans that is why we are all appearing related? How many years would it really take to have a single organism branch off into so many complex species and in environments that are not so different as to explain why we need X numbers of species in one small geographical area?

In sociology we have looked at evolution as well as the fun topic of economic determinism - or that things in life are built around your means of survival. According to this idea your gods would be based on your means of survival as well hunters and gatherers with their nature spirits, and being one with the land, Agriculture looking to the sun and rain gods to help provide, Industrialists look to people to explain and interpret.
So where are we now? Are we an egoistical society that looks for power within themselves to heal and provide? Is it in our technology or something reachable through academia? Is God DNA and we should look into all that is inside? It sure seems to have a lot of the world's mysteries wrapped within the double helix.

And I can never think of God without blowing my mind out on the time/prayer continuum. If God knows everything that is happening and all things happen for a reason, and he has a plan for our lives then why bother? Where is the free will what choices do I really make? I think that I made the choice to return to school but if I had to be there to fulfill some destiny I guess I had to go. If I didn't then I might mess up many other peoples destinies (what pressure).

The closest I have ever been to understanding this came when I was studying philosophy. I got the idea that it was like the director of a improv-movie. He knows where it is going but not every line along the way.
Sunday though it was represented as God has planned every detail of your life? What? He knew I was going to trip on the dog on the way to the potty and pee my pants? He could have warned me...
On a more serious note I know that people find comfort in the idea that every thing is planned, but it just bothers me. I feel that I have several choices. One being to try to keep learning and thinking the matter through hoping for an answer. Two being to ignore what I know and just accept that God has a plan for me. Three is to try to find a balance between sci. and rel. I also know that I do not want to live in a world without God so I hope that I find him in all that I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.