Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I woke up this morning w/ a headache big enough to put Andre the Giant on his knees. I feel lucky that BB allowed me to sleep and recovery without needing me too much. (Just feeding and cuddling). I would have been pissed off to have missed a day of school in the first week so I am glad that I did not have a class scheduled for this morning.

Back to Andre...

I can't even imagine what it would have been like to be 7ft tall and some 380 lbs. Normal life stuff must have been a pain in the ass; movie theaters, bus seats, resteraunt booths, Ford Escorts would all have been taboo for this big Dude.

This evening Biol class meets for the 2nd time. We are going over basic chemistry. YUCK!

I think that I will like my SOCI class this semester. My prof looks like a George Lucas w/ a small hint of Kenny Rogers. When he talks a small onion on a string dances threatheningly between his lips. Sometimes the onion flies free smacking innocent bystanders, othertimes it is arrested by the toungue police and taken away.

It is noe time to freshen up before school so that I do not reak of breast milk and spit up in class.

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