Friday, January 12, 2007

This weekend hubby and I are celebrating our 8th anniversary. It honestly does not feel like 8 years have gone by, although we have both grown and changed a lot since then. We have had some really rough times and some really good times. The main thing that I am feeling with this years anniversary is that time is so fleeting. I am concerned about our willingness to sit by and let our evenings together slip away to the TV and computer. So for the year coming up I wish to have more fun, spend more time up and about and laugh a whole lot more. I want our health to be better and all the good things that go with it. I know this time next year I would like to be saying how much fun we had over the last 12 months and that I can't wait to do it again.

In mother news:
They have been discussing how kids have been running into Porn by accessing the internet with their Nintendo Wiis. I hate that everything get's ruined for kids by adults acting crummy. It is scary to think that so many things that look like they are for kids end up being something that has the potential to warp them. It makes me want to move to the woods and eat sticks and berries.

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