Saturday, January 20, 2007

Had lunch w/ the in laws today. I was happy that we were able to keep the conversation light even though we were discussing Pap who is not well and in a nursing home. It is funny how we all feel that he should not be there but yet there he is. At the moment his insurance is covering the cost as long as he makes progress in PT. I wish that there was more that Hubs and I could do for the situation; either financially or physically. The truth is we are barely hanging on as it is.

I am looking forward to feeding cereal to Butter Bean. I will make an appointment this week for his shots and check up. I hate shots, although his 4 set went better than the singe he got at the first visit. I also always look forward to seeing how much weight he has gained too. I really like being a Mom and I look forward to having more kids someday by my body or not.

In mother news:

Lady Clinton is wanting to be Pres. This should be an interesting run. It is weird to think that if she breaks through and becomes Pres. she will be noted in every history book from here on out Every fart will be sniffed measured scrutinized and recorded for EVER. i like the idea of a woman in the Pres position but more importantly it needs to be the Right person for the job, or there could be major setbacks for women in our country. I am not sure she is the right lady for the job.

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